Capello hs30 FS17
Bigger header for corn and sunflowers
first things first this is not my mod i have edited and FIXED this mod as it had errors in it list of what i did below
fixed shader error
fixed cutting highs (so no more rubing on the ground and you can now put it on a header trailer)
removed some of the ligths/beacons (so it dont look like a christmas tree anymore)
fixed the AI worker ( ai was missing a node so now hire worker is back)
fixed working speed to (33 kph or 20mph)
removed colorable from the mod due too it not working before i edited it and i cant get it to work
i have tried to fix the cutting animation but i dont think it can be done if im wrong on this please messeges me on modland with how to fix it.
header trailer in the pics is my other mod i made for this header search for
log is error free