LS17 Building Materials
Version: 1.0
By: Pummelboer
Other credits go to:
Additional MapTypes by Blacksheep and RC-Devil
FT Modding: Textures for building materials copied from LS15 “Fruit-Tp”
This mod adds the following materials to all your maps, including the standard maps:
Sand, Gravel, Dirt, Rock, Cracked, Cement, Concrete, Asphalt
All materials can be handled as “Bulk” materials with frontloaders, wheelloaders, tippers, levellers etc.
WARNING: (known issue)
This MOD can NOT be used at the same time with maps which already have one of the materials from this mod integrated in the map.
Loading this mod together with such a map wil cause the game to shut down instandly.
If you are want to play a map which already has one of the materials installed (e.g. mining map), make sure you UNSELECT the “LS17 Building Materials” before starting the game at the mod selection menu.
If you want to use the mod in your standard maps or any other map which does not have one of the materials installed, do not forget to UNSELECT all maps in the start-up menu which do have the materials installed.
Sand Sand Sable Zand
Dirt Erde Terre Aarde
Gravel Kies Gravier Grind
Crushed Schotter Concasse Puin
Asphalt Asphalt Asphalte Asfalt
Cement Zement Ciment Cement
Rock Gestein Roche Rots
Concrete Beton Béton Beton
i dont understand how to fill the silo up so that you can unload into a truck or so.
please help me anyone
do yo already know how to fill?
what do u mean by that because this is hapening to me as well i cant buy it
I can’t understand how I can get the materials…
keeps on crashing my game!
Silo is empty for all types. yes i have all required mods installed
do you already know how to fill the silo?
how i get to work
The mod is not working … somwone can help?
Awesome mod, works like a charm. I’ve been waiting for a mod like this since FS11!! Thank you!
The only thing I’m wondering is if there is a way to change the prices for the materials. In my opinion they are quite high and would like to reduce the prices a bit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
how do you get it to work
I think the file is croupted. I try to open the files to see what’s going on, and the textures will show for a second and then acts like it’s croupted
how do I fill the silo it says its empty every thing is working fine but its empty
Where do you get this mod for Xbox One
you can’t get it for xbox one ….
Bonjour, svp pourquoi les silo sont vide, j’ai aucune maps tp installer j’ai bien installer les mods nécessaire, mais les silo sont toujours vide, merci d’avance pour votre aide
Ich bin moritz
How can i get these mods for my ps4 i got the farming simulator special edition 17 withthe red sugar cane cutter on the game case how do i get all these cool mods? Please someone tell me if i can or cant would like to know please an thank you
How to get this on xbox one
Wie kann ich diesen mod im Spiel Kauffen??
Make for xbox one
Jak sprawić bym mod działał .. mod nie jest widoczny dla gry .. nawet po zmianie zabawy z LS na fs nie dziala