Porta Westfalica V 2.0 FS17

FS17 Maps

Porta Westfalica V 2.0 FS17

Version 2.0
Neue Produktionen für Joghurt (Molkerei) und Salatmischung (Feinkost Minden) eingefügt.
Eine befahrbare Fähre über die Weser eingebaut. Gartencenter und Pferdehof neu gestaltet.
Die Große BGA umgebaut, so dass das Häckselgut nicht mehr durch die Wände rieselt (soweit die Standardsilos von Giants es zulassen). Dekorationen ergänzt und kleinere Fehler beseitigt.

Version 2.0
New productions for yoghurt (dairy) and salad mix (delicatessen Minden).
A passable ferry built over the Weser. Garden center and horse farm.
The large BGA rebuilt so that the chopped material no longer trickles through the walls (as far as the standardsilos of Giants permit it). Decorations and eliminating minor flaws.

Welcome to the Weserbergland around the Porta Westfalica. You have acquired a large court at the foot of the Wiehengebirge, which you want to bring back to old flower. If you want to play the LS 17 in a beautiful landscape with many possibilities, here is gold right.
There are 87 fields with a total of over 700 hectares, 3 large meadows, the city of Minden, the city of Porta Westfalica with the hamlets of Barkhausen and Hausberge, the villages of Hahlen, Bergkirchen and Häverstedt.

The standard fruits, rye, oats, triticale, hops, carrots, carrots and lettuce are used for fruits. Animals are kitchen, pigs and sheep.

Productions include a brewery, a bakery, a pastry shop, an orchard, a peat factory, a sand cow, a sugar factory, a distillery, a malthouse, a mill and a refinery. There are also two sawmills, one for the production of wooden pallets and one with the wooden train of Giants (LS13). Also the grain train (LS13) is installed.

On the farm there is a seed production, a fertilizer production, a production for liquid fertilizer, a compost master and a feedmashine for power feed and pig feed. In addition, a silage high silo was introduced for the production of silage.

There is a large BGA with throughput silos (about 12 million capacity) and a smaller BGA.
The following products can be produced and traded: bread, beer, schnapps, peat, sand, plums, cherries, cakes, compost, malt, flour and sugar. These form partial intermediate products for other productions, but can all be sold directly.

The produced fertilizer, liquid fertilizer and the seed can be used or sold themselves (garden centers, agricultural houses).

Two digital displays are installed on the courtyard that once show all the inventory levels and display the filling levels of all productions.

The map contains two harvesters to harvest the onions, carrots and lettuce.
In addition, I would like to point out the detailed description which is also enclosed, and ask you to read it, there most of the questions have already been answered.

There is KI traffic, pedestrian traffic and many other splines, just look around, then you will see.
I wish you a lot of fun while playing.

Idea and execution GMCW

I would like to thank all the modders whose work has been used here. Since the objects are partly already from older versions and are proportionally too large, please take my overall thanks.

Idee udn Ausführung GMCW

Ich danke allen Moddern, deren Arbeiten hier Verwendung gefunden haben. Da die Objekte zum Teil schon aus älteren Fassungen stammen und zahlenmäßig zu groß sind, nehmt bitte meinen pauschalen Dank.
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3 Responses

  1. Oskar says:

    Great job guys. Invite Fishfarm, Winefarm, Bus stations, and Trains. THX

  2. Martin says:

    CompostMaster lässt sich nicht betanken

  3. Oskar says:

    Pls repair CompostMaster , can not gas refuel. thx

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