Welcome to AlpenChallenge
AlpenChallenge is a converted map.
Release by Urmapper!
To the map:
Dairy cattle
Pig’s feast
Sheep pasture
Free-roaming chickens
BGA with 3 silos
3 Point of sale
22 fields
7 meadows
6 forestry
Silos and sales triggers do not have any makings!
Loading and unloading points also have no maketting!
On the pictures from us I show once again all triggers so no questions arise!
Required mod:
Halls package:
It is not allowed to change the map in any way.
This map may be offered for download on each page, but only with ORIGINALLINK!
Have fun and good luck with my map 🙂
If you like it, then leave a review / recommendation, comments with factual criticism are welcome.
If you do not like it you do not have to download, but then also save the useless comments!