Aurora V 1.1 Beta FS17
Version 1.1 Beta
*Wald am Dorf überarbeitet
*Anfangsfelder eingetragen und CP fertig gemacht
PDA Nur an den Wäldern nicht zutreffend
Version 1.1 Beta
* Forest at the village reworked
* Initial fields entered and CP finished
PDA Not applicable to the woods
Aurora 1.0 beta forgives small errors !!
packing plant
wood pellet
Feeding house (cow and pig)
Diesel production
Sold at:
port Authority
Tractor Meier
Stadtwerke straw power station
Installed scripts:
FarmingTablet 2.0 (Kevink98)
Sawing saw when sawing ()
Cows: hay no longer with silage but with grass ()
Factory script (by Kevink98)
Log is clean!
At the moment small problem with AMD systemen! The first 3-5 min CAN FPS breakouts come! As soon as he has buffered the map, this is over and you can play without problems! Why that is so I can not tell you!
The map has here and there still small beauty errors but which are diligently repaired. I would be grateful for a feedback regarding the rate of the productions! Since I have to date, no judges could determine the one way. (Diesel consumption, rate of production, yield)
Here it is, my first map! I do not want to say much to the way she has gone: D But thanks to some people who helped me! Thanks to Heino for lawn mowing: P An Heiner for the help with the Pda!
To El Cid thank you that I blown you completely and you helped me with many questions! Thanks to the guys from the Ls Modcompany that I was allowed to belive at Facebook! And thank Luan for the look! Have a good with me. Thanks for the team Aurora for testing! And thank you all all the people who have built the mods, buildings, textures and and and!