Welcome to Ballydorn Farm, situated in Co. Down N.Ireland on the shores of Strangford Lough. This map is for PC only; it is large, full of detail, animation,lighting, and clip distances are large to prevent scenery popping, all things that will drag your FPS to a standstill. Most maps are understandably optimised so that most pc’s can run them, this map is for those who don’t want to sacrifice detail and have the machine to handle it. It will take a hefty PC to run it on high detail but wind down the settings and it should run okay on less powerful machines. Be warned though, it has been optimized to melt your GPU and spit it out the fan ports.
Ballydorn is situated in an area known as Killinchy, although there is a Killinchy village, Killinchy area comprises Killinchy, Balloo, Whiterock, Killnalakin, Ballydorn and Ardmillan, they are all included in this map. It is situated half way between Comber and Killyleagh in an area known as the Saintfield hills. The reason for this title will come apparent when you try working some of the fields or pulling a trailer load of grain up the Whiterock road. There is a lot to discover so I urge you to take some time and explore.
Inspired by the work of BulletBill and OxygenDavid I decided it was time for a N. Ireland map and where better than where I live, a designated area of outstanding natural beauty. After many years of map building for my own use, I decided it was time to give something back to the community which provided both the inspiration and knowledge to allow me to build maps, a hobby which has occupied many long winter nights.
I know it’s a big ask but I would like this map to be available only on FS-UK, the community which has helped and inspired its creation so please do not upload it to other sites but do feel free to edit it to your own tastes.
I think you will find this map both interesting and challenging but most of all I hope you enjoy it.
All standard FS features except train
Livestock Farm
Crop Farm
49 Fields
Multiple sell points
Livestock Yard
Traffic Spline
Pedestrian Spline
Animal Splines
Many animations
Switchable lighting
Street lighting
Speed Trap
Chopped straw
Log is clean
No additional mods required except
“Stop milk sale” by Marhu, if you wish to sell your own milk
“Chopped Straw” if you wish to use it. (Map Prepared)