In the Version 8 I have made most of the fields don’t have crops, still buyable. Added wool factory, dogFood station, dog, store, (carrefour) for decoration added hotel and donut shop. I fix the cotton bale trigger
on ramp, ramp only take cotton bales,price for bales are about $7000.00 each. I moved loose cotton trigger to in front of office building. I changed the field
behind farm from cotton to alfalfa (If you play without season mod the alfalfa and clover regrows like grass). I have added strawPellets and hayPellets to
storage areas. DogFeed to Feed storage that’s over by the Bio food plant. Renamed the zebu to Brahma so the trailer I have included will work without editing.
I have included the mod CropMowing so you can mow crops and alfalfa and clover with mower. Alfalfa and clover if harvest by combine than you have seed and that
can be stored or sold. I have set up the FS17_UC_USMidwest and the FS17_UnitConvert for this map. When you are baling cotton it doesn’t register the cotton
bales right. It reads the bales as pounds it say they weight about 1 pound something. It’s because the bales are not set up to work with the mods. You can
change the name of map to what it is when playing version 7 and you can play saved game. The only place with field over into the hotel and donut shop.
Change name of dairy farm to Brahma farm. Added the mod FlieglDPW180_Vaszics_pack so you can haul cooking oil, washed and steam potatoes, and washed peanuts.