Based on 70’s Broxton/Duckington area in S.W. Cheshire, England.
Changelog ver
Different starter fields and equipment depending on difficulty level chosen.
32/64 multidirectional field furrows.
Added small starter farmyard area, amended some field sizes & added more removable hedges for those who like to start small and expand their farm.
New Improved removable hedges – they now contain other objects such as barbed wire, bushes & trees. Just look for the cuttable tree or post within the hedge and cut it with chainsaw.
Purchasable farms! Now you must buy the plot to remove the for sale signs (farms owned vary accordng to difficulty level).
Seeds & fertilizer no longer purchasable on the farms – can be bought directly at shops and stored in the farm silos.
Fuel must be bought at gas station – can be stored on the farm using fuel tank trailer.
Added Brussel Sprouts & Broad Beans – for storage in heaps only. Uses combine type cutters.
Added Chopped straw function for Brussels & Broad Beans. No straw for these two crops, but chopped vegetation will be emitted if the mod is present. This can be ploughed/cultivated back in as fertilizer.
Repaired some faulty/missing fences & faulty crop textures.
Improved some areas for placeable objects.
NPC farmers will now use all additional crops.
Still fully compatible with Seasons mod, Improved snowmask and water planes. Some water levels vary by season, be careful crossing the brook ford in Winter, you might get stuck!
Added more trees, grass & decoration.
Suitable for small to medium farming,
Improved REMOVABLE hedges & fences – remove them to expand your fields!
Seven extra crop types – Oat, Rye, Spelt, Triticale, Millet, Brussel Sprout & Broad Bean.
Watch out for stray sheep and take care at the cattle crossing.
Compatible with Chopped Straw Mod by Webalizer and Seasons Mod by RealismusModding (these mods are recommended but the map runs error-free without them).
Required Mods:
– Chopped Straw For Harvesters (By: webalizer)
This is my favorite map I would love to see it on fs19 that would be amazing!