This mod enables you to purchase pallets of potatoes and sugar beets at the store.
Potatoes or sugar beets are required as part of the pig’s feed if you want to reach 100% productivity. I made this mod because it is expensive to grow root crops. The pigs do not eat a lot of potatoes, so to me it is not worth the expense of trying to grow them. With this mod I just buy pallets of potatoes or sugar beets to add to the pig feed.
Place the zip file (PotatoPallet.zip) into the Farming Simulator 2017 mods folder. When starting the game on the MODS/DLC page enable “POTATO/SUGARBEET PALLET” by checking in the circle for that mod. The pallets will be in the pallets category of the store. They are Potato Pallet and Sugar Beet Pallet. The price is 700 for 1000 liters.
Pick up the pallets with pallet forks and transport them to the pig feeding trough. They can also be loaded onto a flatbed trailer. They will not unload into a tipper trailer. When they are held over the feeding trough they will automatically unload into it if there is space for them. Consult the animals screen on the pause menu, and in the pigs section look for “Potatoes, Sugar Beet [l]”. When the green bar is all the way to the right the trough is full.