Canadian Farming Map Ultimate v2.0 FS17
This is the second version of canadian farming Ultimate map, It is compatible with all version 1 of canadian farming ultimate maps. Fixed animals manure, bale mods, animals straw correction, post near pony’s gate, Fliegl ASW_391 trailer and more.
Thank you.
Ceci est la deuxième version de la carte Ultimate de l’agriculture canadienne, elle est compatible avec toutes les cartes ultimes de l’agriculture canadienne en version 1. Fumier fixe, mods de balles, correction de la paille des animaux, poteau près de la porte des poneys, remorque Fliegl ASW_391 et plus.
Je vous remercie.
Dies ist die zweite Version der kanadischen Landwirtschaft ultimative Karte, Es ist kompatibel mit allen Version 1 der kanadischen Landwirtschaft ultimative Karten. Fester Tierdünger, Ballenmods, Tiere Strohkorrektur, Post in der Nähe von Ponys Tor, Fliegl ASW_391 Trailer und vieles mehr.
Vielen Dank.
looks like it is going to be another great map I just downloaded it and I noticed that in the third field there is a composter and a pallet shop in the wrong place. Like the hills .I wish I could make the maps like you do . I think it would be nice if there was more grass area’s put in
thank you for making this map