Canadian Production Map v3.0 FS17
This version complete the construction of this map, thank you for helping me with version one and two to find problems that I missed.
To build this one I use version 2 map and modified some areas of the map to accomodate trains, mills, elevators and storage buildings. Replaced the road, installed new buildings, more animals at start and new mods installed.
Added board pallet and log pallet mods in the map, you can find them in the pallets menu at the store,
It was created for those who do not want to cut wood to fill wood production mods on the map.
I hope you enjoy, thank you.
Have to use enter key to start vehicle. cruise control (3 key) won’t harvest, hired worker won’t harvest. Must do it yourself. Haven’t gone further as with v1 & v2 had the whole farm functioning and am afraid to waste anymore time on this one until it’s fixed.
has errors wen yourwhit tren
wen yourwhit tren – what does this mean?
Am i just stupid to don’t know this. But it seems like the animals get feed automaiclly? Why can’t i just do it myself?