CatPackV1 Update
Cat 345B Excavator V1
Cat 725A Dump V1 100000 Liters
Cat 725A FertSpreader V1 100000 Liters
Cat 725A Liquid_Manure V1 100000 LIters
Cat 725A Solid_Manure V1 100000 Liters
Cat 725A Tanker v1 1000000 Liters
Cat 980H V1
Cat 980H V1
Cat Actros V1
cat Bulk Liquids V1 200000 Liters
Cat Dolly V1
Cat Flatbed UAL V1
Cat Kenworth K100 V1
Cat LowLoader V1
Cat SemiTrailer V1 200000 Liters
flieglDolly_V1 Included
Use The flieglDolly If have problems with the Cat Dolly!
Warning: Don’t use the Light Addon and the 4REAL MODULE 01 or Console extension mod
They will cause conflicts with other mods When you don’t use them alot of mods will work for you
No Errors in log!
Have Fun Enjoy! There is more to come!
If you do not like the mod after checking it out
then just delete it out of your mods folder.
Unpack open the mods zip folder then copy all into your mods folder.
C:\Users\.\Documents\my games\FarmingSimulator2017\mods.Have fun!!!
It works with real module 01, but not with real module 02 – tire dirt! 🙂
I cannot seam to buy in the CAT 980H (Articulated and AWS) It just says “Your Selection is being purchased…” and it will not actually make the purchase.
front loaders and trucks are broken and drain 200k per in game hour of usage almost as if the maintenance is measured in milliseconds the excavator can’t be purchased just freezes up at the buy screen low loader is nice and the tanker can be used to turn water into gasoline very realistic
can you put it on Xbox one
how long till you can put it on Xbox so I can use it I’m needing it now so I can do my work on the Fields
Can you put on ps4 plz
Can you add it on ps4
Can you get the caterpillar mod pack for the pc I can’t find it anywhere