The when and what time messages end now and the download gate opens early for facebook fans.
For those new to downloading from the Google Drive once your on the download page which will display a preview the files contained in the zip look to the top right of the page for the white arrow pointing down, click that to begin the download.
Unzip the downloaded cherryHills2017byStevie_UNZIPME file and place the map zip named cherryHills2017byStevie into your mods folder. The other file is the usual map information text file in English.
The map requires the Giant’s Game update patch v1.44 to work properly.
Cache the map in first, grab a fast vehicle or fast run mod and travel the maps areas the map maybe choppy in framerate whilst doing this. Once done save and exit the map. Exit the game and reload the map should now be smooth if you have a good PC and graphics card.
The map uses my a modified base of my Pine Cove Final map and is optimised for our PC systems. Hopefully it will function on yours but this map was never intended for use on laptops and low end computers.
This is a vast 4x map with large natural shaped fields but remember in Farming Simulator you can customise these land areas however you wish to.
No missions are on this map, field integrity was kept to the original FS2015 map and not sacrificed.
The map has 2 main farms with independent storage and digital displays for each. 13 not 14 large placeable areas as one was used for the Digester which is mid map mini BGA and BIO Pro Facility. 3 starting fields are what you have, all animals are at the main farm, free water across the map, multifrits and chopped straw are installed. Huge natural forestry areas and a forestry ring around the maps boundary. The gold nugget challenge(tested), many installed mods all tested. Very MP server tested by Jeff, Course Play tested by Randy. Advanced course play knowledge required and most fields require 2 to 3 headlands first. Not everyone will like the map which is fine as it was made for one person in the end, Alan Jones.
Thanks to everyone for all your support over the last few years with messages, likes and donations, Kindest regards Stevie.
Lastly I have never had a perfect map release yet, every effort has been made on the map for it to function properly and error free. If any further adjustments are required they will be quickly made as usual.