Hi everyone. Here is the FS17 version of County Line. The functionalities from 15 have been stripped way back due to them being added into the base game or the mods just not existing yet. I have redone the farm layout to reflect this. This is a 4x map with a main grain farm, hog farm, dairy farm, and sheep farm. Sell points are marked on the PDA. Missions are enabled on all fields, but it might be a little quirky due to them not being linear.
It is a pretty basic map as far as functionalities go, but hopefully you enjoy it.
Requird mods are:
Additional recommended mods are:
I know this will end up everywhere, but the only official download site is AEM.
Norton says this file which is supposed to be a ZIP but is an exe is not safe and is riddled with malware. Don’t you screen these things?