Courses retracted to North Frisian march 2.2 without digging V 5.01.00131 FS17
Version 5.01.00131
– new folder “plant protection” added retracted with Kuhn Pack 36m plant protection spray.
Unfortunately, I always had to make two plans, because the syringe always sticks to the trees when the link is turned.
– Downhill courses have been reworked or new ones
have been reworked – Overloading carts were reworked or re-entered
– “Pallet warehouse supply” was further processed, or re-entered
– a few courses were supplied in the folder factories summarized
– file potato was further processed, – new water
intake has been further processed, or re-entered
– papelnschäckeln or folder “papeln gehäkselndefahren”, added, edited, or new retracted
I have time courses for the north Frisian march without digging from V2.2 currently I play the 2.3 and update constantly as soon as an update is available. Unzip the zip file and save it in the corresponding courseplay folder. The folder system should be self-explanatory. (See screenshot)
Drilling, harrowing and grubbering has a working width of 6m unless otherwise stated. Plow plow = work with Lemken under hook at 8m working width.
Mist drive 20m working width
folder straw = straw swathing presses and windrows with lely swader
folder grass = grass mowing, swath ect
The liquid manure courses / liquid manure courses may still need the field edge container. However, this results from the course. You can see where the trecker remains. It is self-explanatory.
The chess courses and eg straw to the composter supply still need a placeable object. These are individual courses that match my savegame. If you look at the courses you get the maybe get out and fingered it. It is missing a yard of mourice a high silo for silage and a placeable mist warehouse.
I have in a video now times the MapV2.2 and 2.3 compared. Some courses I have to do something new myself. Where I had a placeable hofsilo had set now stands the new hoftangstelle. That fits derade so. You can refuel and fill the gas station.
With the time I load an update
!!! Who does not know where the folder is saved, I have uploaded two screenshots where the folder path is apparent!
Attention! The course “sell port” was blocked in the version 2.3 by a fountain and by a wall. Since this course is really long and the cd editor unfortunately does not want to load the courses I have edited the map and not retracted the course again.
I write more times in the comments what courses. Should be observed