CR1090NewHolland V 3.0 FS17
This NewHolland arose from an obsession !!! The fun of it probably !!! LOL !!
The DATA !!!
Ps Power: 1653 ps
Cost: € 215,000
Costs Pro / day: € 760
Speed ??60 kmh
Fuell / Tank: 4300
New sounds as engine start and end and work Sound Receiving (he roars)
Filling capacity: 18500 ltr
Abbunkern 550 liters / min
Tires and Craller (chains) Exchangeable From standard to ultra-wide !!!
So that the New Holland !!!
Now for Capello Quasar_HS_16
Cost: € 26 000
Keep at day 100 €
Operating speed: 18 kmh
Changeable color scheme costs 800 € So as usual !!!
Now we come to New Holland 3162_SuperFlex_Draper_45FT Cutter
Cost: € 31 000
Maintenance Per day: € 120
Operating speed: 18 kmh
No color scheme So also no additional money which you have to pay !!!