Dorf Godshorn v1.4.0.0 FS17
Goldcrest Hills map rebuilt standard map.
Animal Pedestrian by Pietrykov
Dog, cat, gull, horses etc.
Built mods:
SA Central Trade of Zews
SA BioGas plant of Zews
SA pallet plant from Zews
SA cartonboard factory from Zews
SA greenhouses of Zews
Strawberries, raspberries and redcurrant
Fertilizer, seeds and gas at the farm
New halls with gates and chopped straw ready.
Built mods:
Farm gas station of AI-Modding (new trigger set)
Luxury House of 20mmNormandy (Large Scale)
Supply by Sosnova – Map
Halls Pack by RedSky (large scale)
Machines hall of Arii
Objects Pack by Arii
ChoppedStraw by Webalizer
Planning for the next version is the animals at farm.
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-It is forbidden to upload this mod again, even in an altered form!
Please use the original download link!
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