Factory ScriptExtension – App 1.0.0 FS17
Overview of all buildings with the factory script
FabrikscriptExtension – App:
Here you have a complete overview of all built (with the GE) and placed building, which run with the factory script.
On the left is a list of all buildings. The buttons can be used to scroll back and forth.
On the right is a map of the map. There are blue and green dots. The blue dots indicate where the buildings are located. The building, which is clicked on the left in the list, is displayed as a green dot.
After selecting the desired building, you can click on detailed view and you will see all required data. So all inputs and outputs, each with fill level, capacity and percentage display. In addition, you can still see how much per hour is produced. On the right, you can see a small thumbnail of the factory.
Installation: The mod has only to be pushed into the Modornder. Nothing more needs to be done.