Fendt/Lely Tigo XR 100 v3.0.0.0 FS17
The Tigo loader wagon was built by Lely until last year. The AGCO Group (FENDT) has now taken over the grassland technology from Lely.
Changelog V3.0.0.0:
– FENDT Modell added, locked steering axle when driving backwards, AO Backdoor fixed, Dynamic Hoses new (don’t collide with PTO), further improvements of textures
With this pack you get the biggest loaderwagon of the XR series in two different variants: once the old one from Lely and the new one from FENDT.
– Capacity: 52000 Liters
– Basic price: 132500$ (FENDT: +3800, Dosing Unit: +2000)
– Upkeep: 120$/Day (FENDT: -10)
– Dynamic Hoses (completely new)
Changelog V2.0.0.0:
– added Dynamic Hoses
– improved Clipdistances
– correction of attacherHeight
– correction of Ambient Occlusion – no unnatural sharp edges
– added options for tires:
— !! You will have to adjust the correct height with the drawbar when using optional tires! Otherwise the backwheels may not turn. Also some mods could cause the wheels to fly over the ground (tested with Deutz 6.81) !!
— (Standard tires are 710/50R26.5 like in Reallife)
— Optional tires 800/40R26.5 are 90mm wider but are a bit smaller
— Optional tires 680/55R26.5 are 30mm narrower but a bit bigger