FS17 Ozark Hills Seasons v3.0 Mod
I have decided that it needed a make over. I have Brahmas, ponies, goats, and dog. The goat give milk and has wool. I put in the waterTroughAddon and I have taken some things out. I thought it had a little to much. I have added a All Grain Feed so you can feed it to all livestock. I have redone the fields, I made the fields the same size as the fields I have painted. I put in a molasses factory and a distillers corn, I added water to the distillers.
You will need the placeable milk triggers, because they cause a error loading in multiplayer. I have got the grazing pasture mod in. The Brahmas are for reproduction and the sell of meat. No milk. I have went around all the fields and added
grass and along roads and tracks. I put in dynamic sky. You have storage for molasses and fuel. If I think of something else I’ll keep you posted.