FS17 Phoenix Longwood Truck UpDate Fix v1.0 Mod
FS17 Phoenix Longwood Truck UpDate Fix
462 hp With Transport Trailer for logging
You have to pick up the trailer
with the crane place it on the truck
Then take it to where You want to cut logs..
Use the crane to positon the trailer
To the length Of the logs you’re using
After loaded You lock the load
drive it to where you want it
then use crane to unload it.
Location for mod is in the Foresty
No Errors in Log That’s Cool!
All Is Washable! Have Fun Enjoy!
Credits: Giants Software/Ordaton, NLD Farmers, Ahran von Forbidden Mods Blade_Rider/FS17 Giants Software/Eagle355th/Aaron6446/Papa Smurf Modding