FS19 Amity Sugar Beet Cart v1.0
On multiple request, here then the Amity Sugar Beet Cart
What has been done:
– Reskinned the Ropa Big Bear to an Amity Technology Beet Cart
– Installed the correct Amity Logo
– Recolored it to Amity Red ( or close)
– Removed the EU rubber flap
– Added an Amity Catergory in the Store
– Corrected the capacity to 35 Tons
– It will only take Sugar Beets
You wanted an American Sugar Beet Cart, here it is!
Have fun with it!
All credit goes to the orginal modder who converted this item and listed for us orginally
You wanted him, you have him now. But that’s the topic for us as well.
Meaning, if there are no serious problems with this trailer, nothing is changed from our side!
If one or more of the fruits listed above are not installed on your map, Warnings will appear in the log. These may be ignored!
Have fun with it