FS19 ATC Container Handling Pack v1.3.0.0
V1.0.0.1, new mod
V1.0.1.0, for 20 ‘frames only center load
V1.0.1.1, maintenance update
V1.0.2.0, changes in HKL Frame to transport 2×10 containers
V1.1.0.0, rework wheelLoader fork
V1.2.0.0, added store categories
V1.2.0.1, GC update
V1.3.0.0, major rework
This version of the pack includes the following features:
New hits:
The logistics company can now be configured. Thank you very much
Ifko for the release of his Addconfig script
Agarwen for the Hirschfeld logos
Sprinter for the PCS logos
@LSMC for the release of the Global Company logo
There are two special features in this configuration:
All tools can also be configured completely without logos
With the myBrand option you can embed your own logos without having to change all XML. How this works I have described (hopefully enough in detail) in a tut. You can find it here: ATC Packs – create your own branding
bug fixes:
little things:
needed mods:
Uploading to other websites is not allowed.
Reproduction and / or modification of the models for re-publication requires my release.
Have fun with it!