FS19 ATC Container Pack v3.3.1.0
Hello everybody,
V1.0.0.3, December 30th, 2018, initial version
V1.0.1.0, 02.01.2019, fixed log error
V1.0.1.1, 04.01.2019, maintenance update
V1.1.0.0, 09.02.2019, 40 ‘ColliFix, new skins
V1.2.0.0, February 16, 2019, disChargeNode fixed
V2.0.0.0, 02.03.2019, added 30 ‘, 45’ and gas tanks
V2.0.0.1, 04.03.2019, HotFix removed TensionBeltObject
V2.1.0.0, 16.03.2019, new skins, new shop category
V3.0.0.0, April 18, 2019, reworked fillable, new TankContainer, moddesc 43
V3.1.0.0, 08/24/2019, new skins, added store categories by GC
V3.1.0.1, 10/12/2019, updated store pics
V3.2.0.0, October 17, 2019, Display Fill volume as paletts
V3.3.0.0, November 14th, 2019, added lsarea Skin
V3.3.1.0, 16.12.2019, fixed palette display for bulk loading in 40 ‘container
This version of the pack includes the following features:
New hits: no
changes: no
bug fixes: fixed palette display for bulk loading in 40 ‘container (thanks to GulliDeckel for reporting)
little things: no
Logfehler: no
required mods:
Aug 2nd 2019
Uploading again on other websites is not desired.
My approval is required for the reproduction and / or modification of the models for the purpose of republishing.
Have fun with it!