FS19 Field Creator Pack
This pack contains cultivators, disc harrows, subsoilers and power harrows from the main game. All devices have been equipped with a choice of colors and the working speed has been made more realistic. They are also available in a version that can create new fields. These devices have the addition Field Creator in their names.
With the Field Creator version you can design fields as you like. You can use it to break up meadows or expand fields and round off square fields. Please note that the Field Creator versions do not support the helper function.
1. Rau Polymag 300
Price: 7000
Required Power: 100 PS
Working Width: 3 m
Maximum Working Speed: 15 kph / 9 mph
2. Kuhn CULTIMER L 300
Price: 16000
Required Power: 120 PS
Working Width: 3 m
Maximum Working Speed: 15 kph / 9 mph
3. Horsch Tiger 6 DT
Price: 39000
Required Power: 300 PS
Working Width: 6 m
Maximum Working Speed: 15 kph / 9 mph
4. Amazone Cenius 8003-2TX Super
Price: 68000
Required Power: 400 PS
Working Width: 8 m
Maximum Working Speed: 15 kph / 9 mph
5. Horsch Cruiser 12 XLV
Price: 89000
Required Power: 500 PS
Working Width: 12 m
Maximum Working Speed: 15 kph / 9 mph
6. Bednar Swifter SM 18000
Price: 120000
Required Power: 500 PS
Working Width: 18 m
Maximum Working Speed: 15 kph / 9 mph
7. Flexicoil ST 820
Price: 186000
Required Power: 500 PS
Working Width: 24 m
Maximum Working Speed: 15 kph / 9 mph
Disc Harrows
1. TT – Big TT
Price: 13000
Required Power: 150 PS
Working Width: 3.4 m
Maximum Working Speed: 20 kph / 12 mph
2. Kverneland Qualidisc Farmer 3000
Price: 18000
Required Power: 100 PS
Working Width: 3 m
Maximum Working Speed: 20 kph / 12 mph
3. Agromasz BTC 50H
Price: 25000
Required Power: 140 PS
Working Width: 5 m
Maximum Working Speed: 20 kph / 12 mph
4. Amazone Catros 6002-2
Price: 31000
Required Power: 180 PS
Working Width: 6 m
Maximum Working Speed: 20 kph / 12 mph
5. Kuhn Discolander XM52
Price: 48000
Required Power: 220 PS
Working Width: 6 m
Maximum Working Speed: 20 kph / 12 mph
6. Kuhn Performer 4000
Price: 69000
Required Power: 240 PS
Working Width: 4 m
Maximum Working Speed: 20 kph / 12 mph
7. Vaderstad Carrier 835
Price: 75000
Required Power: 340 PS
Working Width: 8.25 m
Maximum Working Speed: 20 kph / 12 mph
8. Horsch Joker 12 RT
Price: 80000
Required Power: 360 PS
Working Width: 12.2 m
Maximum Working Speed: 20 kph / 12 mph
Power Harrows
1. Rabe MKE 300
Price: 15000
Required Power: 95 PS
Working Width: 3 m
Maximum Working Speed: 7 kph / 4 mph
2 Kuhn HR 4004
Price: 18000
Required Power: 100 PS
Working Width: 4 m
Maximum Working Speed: 7 kph / 4 mph
Subsoilers with helper function
These machines are now defined as plows and, unlike most other devices in this package, also support the helper function.
1. Agrisem Combiplow Gold 3M
Price: 7000
Required Power: 90 PS
Working Width: 3 m
Maximum Working Speed: 8 kph / 5 mph
2. Agrisem Combiplow Gold 4M
Price: 9500
Required Power: 140 PS
Working Width: 4 m
Maximum Working Speed: 8 kph / 5 mph
3. Kuhn DC 401
Price: 10000
Required Power: 130 PS
Working Width: 4 m
Maximum Working Speed: 8 kph / 5 mph
Subsoilers without helper function
Cultiplow Platinum 8m
Price: 82000
Required Power: 420 PS
Working Width: 8 m
Maximum Working Speed: 8 kph / 5 mph
+ Color choice
+ Machines with helper have been added
+ Detailed description