FS19 Holmer Pack OY MP v19.8.1
The Holmer Pack OY contains all Holmer vehicles and tools with the following additional functions:
Version 19.8.1 (mp)
– New cutting lettuce, e.g. for Multimap2019 etc. and upcoming Yogiport update 19.11
– Inscriptions of the cutting units (red cabbage) fixed
If you are playing a card that does not have all the fruits the Holmer TerraDos can handle, i.
sugarBeet potato sugarCane carrot lettuce onion cabbage redcabbage redCabbage asparagus
a corresponding warning appears in your log.txt, e.g. with asparagus:
Warning: Cutter has invalid fruitType ‘ASPARAGUS’ in ‘C: / Users / xxx /LS19_HolmerPack_OY/LS19_HolmerPackHR12AS_OY.xml’
Warning (C: / Users / xxx /LS19_HolmerPackHR12AS_OY.xml): Unable to find fruitType ‘asparagus’ in fruitPreparer
This is uncritical and unfortunately unavoidable, as our friends in Switzerland were too lazy, for Erdfrüchte-Vollernter
to define a own fillTypeCategory.
color selection
Increased capacity (optional) for Terra Dos
Nursing tires (optional)
Increased working width and speed (20 km) of all cutting units
Increased take-up speed (5,000 liters / second)
Shortened engine start time (1 second)
3 reapers for sugar beet, sugar cane and potatoes
Significantly reduced repair interval
Included in the Holmer Pack OY are:
Terra Dos T-4
Terra Felis 3
HR12 sugar beet cutting unit
HR12 sugar cane cutting unit
HR12 potatoes cutting unit
HR12 cutting unit carriage