FS19 John Deere 6M (2015 and 2020) Large Frame
Wheel Brand Config
(Trelleborg-Trelleborg Narrow-Michelin AxioBib2-Michelin AxioBib2-Michelin CereXBib2-Michelin AgriBib2-Mitas-Nokian)
Wheel config
(Standard (with wheel weights 1,2,3 or 4)-Wide (with wheel weights 1,2,3 or 4)-Back Twin Wheels-Wide Back Twin Wheels-Twin Wheels-Wide Twin Wheels)
Front Attacher Config
(0kg-300lg-500kg-700kg-900kg-1000kg-Front Hydraulic)
Design Config
(No Beacons-Left Beacon-Right Beacon-Both Beacons)
Design2 config (vehicle type config)
(Without IC Script-With IC Script)
Front Loader Attacher config
Motor Config
Transmission Config
(PowrQuad-PowrQuad+F Gear-Command Quad)
Shield Config
Licence Plates Config
Steering Knob Config
Cabine WorkLights Config
Front WorkLights Config
Attacher Controls Config
Mirrors Config
Sticekrs Config
Front Fenders Config
Wide Back Fenders Config
Carpet Config
Add Config
Animations-Mod is full animated (Pedals, reverser, transmission, thorttles..)
!!Log is clean and free of errors and mod is also tested on MP!!