FS19 Mappinghausen 2k21 v1.0.0.1
Conversion of the mapping houses known from LS17.
– Sales prices for earth fruits reduced
– Changed l10n entries of the BGAs to avoid conflicts with other mods.
– Provide grass strips on dirt roads
– Carrots and onions entered in Seasons.
Advise to start a new savegame, otherwise not all changes will be applied.
The grass on the field paths is otherwise not displayed, with the new prices and the new seasons entries I am not sure whether these will be adopted.
Here now for everyone the Mappinghausen 2k21, unfortunately very late than planned.
Basics of the map, the map was designed so that everyone can let off steam with their own courtyard design.
Fixed buildings or a fixed courtyard were deliberately avoided.
Since you can’t please everyone when it comes to the design of the courtyard.
You can let off steam extensively with the landscaping function in the LS19.
All buildings placed in front of them can easily be sold to develop themselves.
As well as it was designed purely for arable farming and animal breeding, I have renounced any kind of production.
Only a pigsty and a paddock were permanently installed, these will become your property when you buy the farmland.
In key points what else the map has:
Seasons ready, Maprand is changing and also some plants like the bushes
PrecisionsFarming ready with your own soil types
Compost can be used as an alternative fertilizer, spreading by means of a manure spreader possible Get layers from TopAce888
2 BGAs as it already existed on the 17 version, the southern BGA can also be run as an independent company, as there is enough space
Onions and carrots incorporated as additional fruit are also required as feed for pigs and horses
Eating behavior and types of food taken from the Tunxdorf Map
Animals have their own breed names and act differently in terms of production and reproduction, also taken over from Tunxdorf, except that the sheep do not produce any manure or slurry this time
StoreSales from GTX ready, banners are visible at manufacturers’ special offers
The agricultural trade
Not only does it accept goods, you can also buy goods there.
Seeds, lime and fertilizer can be purchased from a silo
Animal feed, pigs and compound feed
Liquid fertilizer and herbicide can be purchased at the tanks
Raiffeisen South
There it is also possible to purchase goods and the animal dealer is also located there
Seeds, lime and fertilizer can be purchased from a silo
Manure and compost can be bought in the respective heap, unfortunately this can only be done by pressing the “R” key with a shovel or directly with the spreader
Finally, a big thank you to Fendtfan79 that I was allowed to finish the map and TopAce888 for the map edge and the compost layer, as well as Bernie_SCS for the courtyard buildings from his courtyard pack.
If you have any questions or problems, please use the relevant -> Support topic <- this is what this topic is for.
And read what has already been posted, maybe one or the other question has already been asked and answered there.
I will not answer questions about my mods and maps by email, PMs or comments on my pin board!