FS19 Multi FarmSilo fix v1.3.0.0
Hello Community
I have finished the Multi FarmSilo now as a final and offer it to you ready.
Patch 1.3 fixed
– Capacity: 750000
– lights
– adapted new textures
– Decoration
Multi FarmSilo v1.2.0.0 FinalWeizen / Barley / Rapeseed / Corn / Oats / Sunflower / Soybeans / Potatoes / Sugar beets / Sugarcane / Carrots / Onions / Hops / Rye / Poppy seeds / Spelled / Millet / Hay / Straw / Grass / Hackeschitzel / Pork feed / lime / seed
Continue linking only with original link!
Have fun with it!
Greeting Hasco