FS19 Multi Silo NEW built 950k farmSilo v1.0.0.2
Oilseed rape could not be unloaded. Fixed in v1.0.0.2
added smaller optical extensions
I know, there are already some … I wanted to convert my FS17-MultiSilo, which I did not succeed. That’s why I built it based on GIANTS farmSilo and (CTREDITS) once looked at those of Mourice and Hasco.
A different look can not hurt in the new FS19 with the small number of farmSilo PLEACEABLE.
This farmSilo can be used in the yard as a main item, fill levels are displayed in the price info.
cap: 950,000 each fruit, placeable: underground asphalt, lifetime: 1000, price: 38.800 … have fun