FS19 Multimap 2019 v1.1.1

FS19 Maps

FS19 Multimap 2019 v1.1.1

The original mapper of this map is LF-Bauer. He had already invested a lot of effort and diligence in this map in 2014, and although there were several cards with this name, in my view, this card is the best of them all.

Version 1.1.1
Compound error fixed after patch 1.4
Seed, fertilizer and lime bearings are now available in each level. (New savegame required)
BGA, bottling silage fixed for fermentation residues

The basis for this is the Multimap for the LS 15 and LS17. The version for the LS15 but never found its way into the public, but was kept private by LF-Bauer. Finally, I was asked by him to get the card in the LS17. Now she arrived in the LS19.

Here again the “technical data”:
• 4-fold map with multifruit and 42 fields.
• 1 yard
• 2 skin silos for cereals and feed, as well as for earth fruits
• Extra storage in the yard for fertilizer, seeds and lime
• Many outlets
• Traffic

The following fruits are installed:
Standard fruits, cultivation of sugar cane and cotton is possible, oats, rye, spelled, millet, hops, tobacco, onions, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, red cabbage, poppy and clover.
Clover can be mowed, the resulting clover can be fed or used in the BGA for silage production.
At this point, my special thanks go to GMCW, zero_ace and dondiego00 for releasing their fruits for incorporation into the Multimap.
Road, terrain and almost all old objects were taken 1: 1. For players who play in the level Farmer, at the start of the game all silos and stables are already available. Players in the MP I recommend to make a Savegame in SP and use this for MP. Ultimately, of course, the decision is up to you.
There are open spaces to place mods.
All old production sites are present on the map and will be reactivated as soon as the Global Company (successor of the factory script) has been released. Until then, all unloading points, which are related to productions, are blocked by barriers. For this you will find on their premises temporary outlets, which will be removed later. These interim sales points will recognize you at the ramps for unloading.
We have put a lot of effort and work into this card, it has been extensively tested extensively in the SP and MP over several weeks. The log is clean, the card runs smoothly in both the SP and MP. Should errors still occur, then please install the latest patch 1.3 from Giants and / or clean up the mod folder.
The zip file needs to be unzipped, as there are still harvesters for harvesting cabbage, both onions and carrots. These mods are intended to be only a temporary solution until a suitable mod appears, which makes the individual machines superfluous.
My special thanks go to LF-Bauer for providing us with this card as well as to my test players:
Lisa, Holzmichel, rk54, rokki, hyacinth lindauer, sailor178, Makaay, Impala, Rosti, CM2017
Test Players / Teams Multiplayer:
Hawk191280, Krebi and IrrenhausTV

Credits Multimap 2019GiantsScripte:Marhu, kevink98, joker301069, BlackSheep, Blacky_BPG, 112Tec, IfkonatorUrmapper:LF-BauerUmbau für LS17 und LS19:FalPosAnimationen:LF-BauerMultifrucht:Danke an GMCW für die Freigabe seiner zusätzlichen FrüchteDanke für [TRLP] Markus für die Freigabe seiner FrüchteDanke an Don Diego für die Freigabe seiner zusätzlichen FrüchteEinzeichnen der Schneemaske:HolzmichelObjekte LS13/15/17, sofern bekannt:Giants, Kastor, Der_Wanderer, möchtegernbauer, Nic89.1, 112TEC, Niggels, The Snake, scottryder, San Andreas, M1800Power, Bummi, Marhu, Devin, Hewaaa, Bigblue, GE -Mapping, dajun, wellano920, dds-modding, Ingolf, Katsuo, Blacky BPG, marc85, mike LSF Modding, PaPa, TuneWar, pisty, manni112, adam5525, SLJ-Agrar, Mark44, MCMC, borutcebuli, Der Melker, ni-modding, XAnonymousX, atze1978, odin1985, Gaucho, sherco58,LS-farming.nl, Farmeraner, KIK, Aerocool1, Trekkerbodo, Zefir, LS-Community, Farmer_Andy und Zero_Ace,My7, GTX und Eribus, Dorsetzusätzlich für Objekte LS19:GiantsReithalle: LisaHallen Hof: Mike ModdingUnterstände: GSi-FlashHudfiles: HappyLooserFoliage Mohn: DH-SingelmoddingAuf der Karte befinden sich noch Objekte aus dem LS13 und LS15, deren Herkunft mir nicht bekannt ist. Diese habe ich so von der ursprünglichen Karte übernommen. Wer sein Objekt wieder erkennt und nicht erwähnt wurde, der kann sich jederzeit bei mir melden. Natürlich wird der Eintrag dann nachgeholt. Testspieler:Lisa, Holzmichel, rk54, rokki, hyazinthlindauer, Seemann178, Makaay, Impala, Rosti, CM2017Testpieler/Teams Multiplayer:Hawk191280, Krebi und IrrenhausTV
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