FS19 New Holland T6 Riso v1.0.0.0
Since you were good on Instagram and we reached 1000 followers, I thank you with a little mod that I hope can help you in your farmhouses…
It’s New Holland T6 with iron wheels for paddy use!
Among the configurations you can find:
Standard tires, wide tires, tight tires, both yellow and blue rice wheels with configurable rear twinned, 125, 155 and 175 hp engines, possibility of having fixed ballast, 405, 225, 585, 765 and 945 kg or front lifter, attack for front charger and last but it doesn’t matter the possibility of having the New Holland seller sticker in our area to get an extra Lombard / Piedmontese risicultivator touch , obviously selectable.
For the joy of some the mod is ERROR FREE, strange but true. You can’t wait to see
Thanks to NEFG modding for your availability.
That being said I hope you enjoy… HAVE A RICE DAY!