FS19 Przemasowo Map v1.0.1.0
– Blocked driveway was fixed – Central Grain Elevator
– The serious problem of placing objects on the map has been removed.
– Added some new elements on the big lake (you need to make a new save to see the changes).
– Several road signs have been fixed.
– New barrage at the railway station (protection for unfair players).
Welcome to the map of Przemasowo
The map consists of 41 areas, 32 arable fields and 2 forest fields. You can sell crops in 3 stationary purchases and train buying. The train is an important element of the map because it is integrated into the farm. Advantages of the map:
– A large area with obstacles to horseback riding.
– Sawmill for trains.
– Loading ramps for the train on the farm and at the store.
– 32 fields varied in size and shape + 2 forest areas.
– Train path integrated into the farm.
– Field No. 12 prepared for the development of the farm.
– Additional flat, fenced area for purchase, prepared for additional buildings and mods.
– Good optimization
– A well-thought out arrangement of roads, tracks and utility buildings to make the game more enjoyable.
– Many beautiful landscapes and interesting places to explore.
– Road traffic.