FS19 Strautmann-Bundle
Trailerpackage of the “Strautmann” Company, the choice consists of the trailertypes “SEK”/”STK”/”SZK”.
Trailertype: Strautmann SEK 802 (Single Axle-execution)
Basicprice: 9000€
Bodyvariations: 4metric liters; 8metric liters; 12metric liters; platform; woodbody; balebody; chaffbody; potato-/sugarbeetbody
Trailertype: Strautmann STK 802 (Tandem-Axle-execution)
Basicprice: 9000€
Bodyvariations: 4metric liters; 8metric liters; 12metric liters; platform; woodbody; balebody; chaffbody; potato-/sugarbeetbody
Trailertype: Strautmann SZK 802 (Turntable-execution)
Basicprice: 8000€
Bodyvariations: 4metric liters; 8metric liters; 12metric liters; platform; woodbody; balebody; chaffbody; potato-/sugarbeetbody
– Fixed diffuse-texture of STK
– Fixed position of bale-supports
– Dropsides/backwall foldable (Balebody/Woodbody)
– Fixed shoppictures
– Icon changed