FS19 Talbach v1.2.0.0
V1.2 fixes (big thanks to AEkzl for the quick support around the update)
It is essential to download the new BGA update: BGA 200KW | ModHub | Agriculture simulator
It is essential to replace the old “Talbach productions” mod contained in the zip with the new one
From V1.2 you can choose an alternative background that the good AEkzl has created for you. For this you have to unzip the map and open the Basemap.i3d, there you can
you under the Scenegraph click the point: Distanshills and hide … alternatively show the point backdrop
Path correction beet shredder production – fixed
Toom and gardening not in the UK overview – fixed
Hotspot Toom – fixed
Hotspot Baywa wood chips – fixed
Baywa wood chips not in UK overview – fixed
VK overview Bale sale instead of horse breeding Bales – fixed
Removed duplicate horse breeding points
Seasons Barley adapted + economy.xml
FS19_Talbach \ maps \ map \ envMaps eliminated
Silo Kuhhof Colli adapted
Adapted cowshed and sheep areas
various problems with sugar beet harvest and sale
BGA bunker silo fixed
Hofsilo bunker silo fixed
Speed traffic reduced
various fixes
Important !
The ZIP file has to be unzipped, in it you will find the Talbach map and a mod for the Talbach productions
You need some mods for the map, the links can be found at the end!
Welcome to the Talbach in LS19,
I also tried to bring the charm from the 17 to the 19 with this card. It was one to me
A matter of the heart to bring the card from dear HeniJimdrix in the 19s.
You will find well-known things on the map with partly new functions for the LS19:
Main courtyard:
Cowshed for self-mucking out / chickens / workshop / bale storage for hay and straw and much more
Pig breeding:
in the LS17 mainly “decoration” you can now manage this yourself, you have to
only the site can be bought. Otherwise it can be used as a purchase point for manure
Horse breeding:
This also served mainly as a sales point in the 17, now you can also do this
as a sales point as well as a playable horse farm
In addition, there is a sheepfold and an open sheep pasture on the map for farming.
Lime works:
Of course you can buy lime from BayWa, but there is now a lime plant on the menu
where you can mine lime. To do this, however, money must first be invested in the site.
(Again, this always applies: the site must be bought in order to get access to the pig farm, horse breeding or lime works)
Thanks to the lovely Hhoottee, you will find various production sites on the menu that were deliberately kept simple.
This includes soy milk production / wood chip production / compost & mineral fertilizer production
Selling points:
The produced productions can of course then be sold at various points of sale,
such as at Südmilch AG / Baywa or Agrarhandel
Buying points:
You will find sales outlets for lime seed fertilizers etc. at the various dealers, for example
the Baywa or Agricultural Trade
If you want to start in multiplayer, you can use a large area here with larger machines
build up a vehicle fleet.
53 fields and meadows are available for agricultural life, those with small to medium-sized ones
Vehicles can be managed.
Required mods:
Timbered Farm Extensions
Half-timbered farm TimberedFarm
FA Machine Sheds Machinery Sheds
Crane Building
Small Bunker Silo Set
LSFM Ballenlager Addon
Optional mods:
Addon Straw Harvest
MaizPlus MaizePlus
MaizePlus Forage Extension
MaizePlus CCM Extension