FS19 Volvo FH16 superstructures pack v1.0.0.0
So love Com!
After months of work and many exciting hours, it’s finally time. The Volvo FH16 body pack comes for you to download.
You had to wait a long time for this pack. We apologize for taking so long! I myself would never have seen my Volvo in such a big pack! I have to say one thing!
I am always pleased that the Com still holds together in some places! Thank you very much to all who are involved in this project. R & M Modding was there from the beginning and has built in all the configs and what else! Thanks to D & L Fahrzeugbau, the daytime running lights in this pack are in there and for that many tests. Then I thank Heiko Grüttner, Kevin Ritter and Sven Clausen for all parts and animations! Of course, I also thank my team for their support in testing and troubleshooting! It was a pleasure to do this nice project with you all
Attention Mod only compatible with the latest patch!
In the pack are included
Bale swap body
HKL trailer trailer
HKL ball plate
HKL SGT feeder
HKL swap body
Milk swap bridge
Water swap bridge
Tandem swap trailer
Triedem swap trailers
With the milk and water swap, always open the lids first before filling them.
The trucks for this pack can be found under Volvo FH16 Truck Pack
And now love Com have fun playing.
MfG Luxxmodding / R & M Modding