Güllepack / Slurry pack V 3.0 FS 17
Version 3.0
Hello dear manure man,
here is now the V3.0 of my manure pack.
The changes are now coming. What was done:
1. Telescope axis programmed as a separate script, so no more folding and lowering of the barrel is necessary
. Now it is also possible to use a retracted telescopic axle.
2nd telescopic axis now available for all delivery drums
3. Suction arm of the Veenhuis barrels can now also be bought.
4. Buyable suction arm for the three Kotte feeder.
5. Docking station for manure pits
6. Field edge containers can now also be used as a docking station , ie placing containers in the Gülletrigger at the manure pit,
if you are outside the range since, the container fills itself by itself.
If you fill with a suction arm, the filling of the container stops and you can vacuum it. Then he fills again automatically.
7. Frontdock added. There are two variants. One only to open up and one, which you turn with Mousekontrol,
up / down and in / out can. The pre-positioning is also present with these. When using, you should still
consider a few things:
If you use this with the Veenhuis barrels, the barrels should not have its own suction arm.
Wanted not to run a script in parallel because of performance. Furthermore, you should
first connect the front dock to the tractor, and then the drum to the tractor and first unhitch the drum and
then the front dock, Otherwise the barrel will not find the hose.
Save linked and load the game is easy.
8. The Highline front dock has a front hydraulic trailer, so you can transport the docking station or add an
extra weight.
9. Tried to fix the errors on the server and MP. But no idea if this worked, since I had no time.
Thanks to the many offers from you to test on your servers, but I just just do not have time.
But hope that I could fix some problems. If it has not worked out, I have to
go further into the difficult topic, except of you has a desire to do this with me.
The 3d models of the frontdock are from the Kontest LS13 tried to reach fruktor or daniel11 because of the release, but unfortunately no one reported. If you have something
against me , that I take the models, simply mod lock or PN to me. But thank you for the great work.
11. Small note: I noticed that the reconfigure in the shop a LOG error appears. I have
not only with my MOD, but with some MOD’s and even with standard machines. So I think times,
it does not come from my Mod. Also tried to get to the bottom of the matter, but found nothing.
12. Original trigger re-installed, thus overloading with R is possible again.
13. The feeder is fully CP-compatible, The barrels have not yet.
Did not have time to build a test scenario for the barrels .
14. With the standard tractors everything works great. With a few mod-tractors, strangely, when
the front docks are coupled, the tractor starts very minimally. But not from my Mod
15. another various small fixes
So that’s been with V3.0
Have fun with the Güllen.
MFG monteur1 More diverse small Fixes So that’s been with V3.0 Have fun with the Güllen. MFG monteur1 More diverse small Fixes So that’s been with V3.0 Have fun with the Güllen. MFG monteur1
Hello friends of realistic slurry spreading.
After much modding, scripting, 3D snip and game testing is finally done.
The description is not available at the moment. Be the first to write a review! He has become a bullet.
Kotte TSA Tandem 24000L
Kotte TSA Tandem 30000L
Kotte TSA Triedem 30000L
Kotte Field Contractor
Veenhuis tandem 24000L
Veenhuis Triedem 31000L
Zunhammer TV 21000L
Zunhammer PE 22500L
Zunhammer Vibro
Zunhammer Zunidisc
Möscha swivel manifold
Väderstad Carrier 820
Fliegl Dolly abridged
bird song
SwingMax30 Vogelsang SwingUp15
So here comes the descriptions of the individual devices. In general. All Drums have an animated suction arm (MouseControl) and a suction nozzle Animated. Do you know anything from Kotte Quattro Bayerbua from the FS15. Thank you for the idea and Bayerbua Upside Down, the already announced release of the scripts me in FS15. So, it is exactly the spout to meet the icon of the sharing service is overcharging. The spout follows the pipe. Then press Input Implement extra 3 then there you go. The overcharge rate is about 9000l / min at Realtime game (ie time x1). If the game time is accelerated, the overcharge rate goes up accordingly.
Into the Zunhammer TV and the Veenhuis. The position can be adjusted between 60 ° and 160 °. All InputBindings are not defaulted. So first you have the functions in the InputBindings assign a button, otherwise nothing works. Have not been deliberately done.
Let the Kotte feeders on. The Kotte TSA Triedem scored automatic lift axles. Means that from a level above. From a level above 60%, the frontlift axle moves down. When Veenhuis Triedem the front axle is automatically lifted. In the ZIP file for course play read. This simply replace in Course Play. Then all the barrels are also Course Play Tough. Have tried all feeder. Works flawlessly on the barn cesspit. Even with the Field border container. All feeders have the standard features.
To continue with the Zunhammer PE22500. For example, First of all, it is below the barrel, and again press the button. Is unfortunately otherwise. It can also be considered as a feeder for the other drums. At all barrels a Care maturity can be configured Guellen in Growing.
Now for the dispensers. In all dispenses between 10m3 / ha and 40m3 / ha can be selected. This is in a Hud. The application rate is kept constant, no matter how fast you drive. You may like to check. Thus, a precise fertilization is possible. I also have the Particle inserted from the manure as you can see in the pictures. The map must be sure not prefixed because of its GIANTS standard feature. Thus, should work on each MAP. I like it.
The SwingMax earned an extra paragraph. It can be purchased separately in the shop. In order to better adapt to the field size, barrel size, application rate, etc., it can be folded by 30m width to 24m in width and 18m in width. Consumption is of course adjusted. It has got a section control. 10 Teibreiten can be in a different direction from the right to the right. With Reset all 10 are brought back online. (Parti Clean Imation). All functions should be interlocked to prevent incorrect operation. First, it’s going to be expanded, otherwise garnix. Switched on and off.
So what else. Belief that the time had come. Since I am alone, I could not try anything. If you notice anything, just write a message. The barrels are all declared as “tank”. Otherwise this does not work with the application rate. So you always need a dispensing instrument. I would like to be able to do this. Swivel manifold from Fliegl Barrel purchasable.
The log is error-free.
Well then have fun Guellen. And remember, only occupy InputBindings. Otherwise nothing goes.
Mfg your monteur1
Where should i put the lua. File??