HeapPreview V 0.5 Beta LS17
You have many fruits heap on the map, and no longer know what is where and how much is where splashing around !!
Then you can help this mod to keep track of where it indicates you the level and the fruit name of each pile. No more and no less.
Optionally you can this also in MultiOverlayV2 Hud v2.84 or higher is dispensed with Show. Default button –R– Optional for storing or Löchen
MultiOverlayV2 Hud edit objectSettings.xml or generate new:
<mod modType = “ls” slot type = “stocks1” xmlString = “heaps” category = “heaps” separated = “true” isHiden = “false” displayname = “Heaps (ls)” />
</ map>
Default –M– Optional debug Point // Distance / Radius / All button
radius (search radius heaps)
onfoot (player lake Heaps)
onVehicle (player lake Heaps)
Onfield (is Vehicle / Player lake not Heaps)
onSaveForMoh (MultiOverlayV2 Hud Support)
distanceOnSave (max Distance fornext savepoints)
debug (save load debug mode)
And who does not like it should not invite easy