1. The 844 was produced from 1974 to 1980 in Neuss (GER). From 1976, these tractors come with an “Comfort 2000” Cabin from plants.
The 844-S was produced from 1975 to 1989 in Neuss (GER) and from 1990 to 1993 in Doncaster (GB). He was the strongest in Neuss (GER) produced IHC 4-cylinder tractor without turbochargers.
At 1980 the 844-S was renamed to 845, but not in Germany. The IHC 845 had 7 hp more horsepower then the 844-S.
75 hp (IHC 844)
80 hp (IHC 844-S)
87 hp (IHC 844-S (GER) / 845 (GB)
max Speed: 30 km/h
Lifetime: 3470 h
Fuel Capacity: 102 ltr
Price: 19.800 – 32.125 €
Maintenance: 76 € / day
– front lights fixed
– indoorCam entries optimized
– beacon light fixed
– rim textures reworked
– FL Attachment colour coice added (black, red of grey)
– radio and cb-radio as selectable configuration added
– Gearbox Entries fixed
– the front axle now remains movable in a hitched front loader
– dirt volume at interieur textures reduced
– entries of cb-radio and radio configurations fixed
– FL Attachment fixed
– numberplates textures reworked.
2. The 644 was produced from 1974 to 1980 in Neuss (GER). From 1976, these tractors come with an “Comfort 2000” Cabin from plants.
Horsepower: 60 hp
max Speed: 30 km/h
Lifetime: 3340 h
Fuel Capacity: 74 ltr
Price: 14.800 – 27.125 €
Maintenance: 76 € / day
– indoorCam entries optimized
– beacon light fixed
– rim textures reworked
– FL Attachment colour coice added (black, red of grey)
– radio and cb-radio as selectable configuration added
– the front axle now remains movable in a hitched front loader
– entries of cb-radio and radio configurations fixed
– dirt volume at interieur textures reduced
– numberplate textures reworked
3. The 744 was produced from 1974 to 1980 in Neuss (GER). The 745-S was produced from 1980 to 1989 in Neuss (GER).
From 1976, these tractors came with an “Comfort 2000” Cabin from plants. In 1990 production was moved to Doncaster (GB) and continued there until 1993.
70 hp (IHC 744)
72 hp (IHC 745-S)
max Speed: 30 km/h
Lifetime: 3260 h
Fuel Capacity: 74 ltr
Price: 17.300 – 29.625 €
Maintenance: 76 € / day
– indoorCam entries optimized
– beacon light fixed
– rim textures reworked
– FL Attachment colour coice added (black, red of grey)
– radio and cb-radio as selectable configuration added
– Gearbox Entries fixed
– the front axle now remains movable in a hitched front loader
– entries of cb-radio and radio configurations fixed
– dirt volume at interieur textures reduced
– numberplates textures reworked