Not so long ago you saved a womans life and she just left you her entire Estate
In the north there are still untouched areas, in which large fields lead up to mountains, that line cold and beautiful shores
You own the entire valley but huge taxes must be paid to the county for the arable lands so that you can operate the full nearly 1,000 acres of farm.
Enormous fields deserve exporting crops and large paddocks worthy of large herds allow you to survive harsh winters and build a largescale export farming business.
Ways to markets are few and far away so you need to get innovative with the transport to get your products to shipping and the export market but you have your own siding and shipping silos both on the farm and on the local Port.
This card is for those who want an immersive experience where you and the elements alone are within an enormous environment and a realitic long transport route. Course play is the way to go or you can form a long-term multiplayer session
Im sharing this in beta now so the community can help me shape things for the future of the hereditary card. I have deliberately left out many available manufacturing mods because most are available as placeable items, and I want you to fill the card with your own stuff.
I publish this for Easter becasue there are so few cards that match my desires , which is why I made it myself,
Train works and is a massive part of the work of this card.
There is only one routeto markets, and it takes many minutes to get there
Large Silagesilo
Massive streches for realistically large transport
3 homes – 1 large family property
Large Dairy, pigs, sheep
No Errors, no mod conflicts
COMING SOON: sell points that handle export of silage, forage and quality bales.