Islands from Vaszics v2.1 FS17
Islands from Vaszics 2.1
Changes to version 2.0:
Substantial change affects coffee plantation. A complete reconstruction of the plantation and processing plant was carried out. There were, however, minor non-essential changes. All other information is the same as before.
Further information:
The 1,2,7,9 fields are owned and the rest must be purchased.
Field 1 is used with grass.
The map is 4x.
Factory (42)
Trout_farm Kaviar Biofood Goose Rabbits Slaughterhouse Orchid_gardens Eggfarm Pallet Sawmill Cardboard Mills Oilmills Bakery Brewery Weberei Sugar_milk Distillery Cannery1 Greenhouse1 Packer Oil_field Forage_facrory PigFood_factory Slurry_processor Silage DryGrass Compost Fuel Fertilizer Liquid fertilizer Booze Cake_muffin Canned fruit Coffee Compost Green Hmilk Jam_juice_yofurt Sugar
Store (23)
Fishwholesale Fishreatiltown Fishreatilvillage Coldstorewholesale Coldstoretown Coldstorevillage Grainport_trail Grainport_train KFC_town KFC_village Restaurant Restaurant_airport Balestorage Fruit_port Fruit_village Fruit_mountain Fuel_port Fuel_airport Grainmill_trail Grainmill_train Farmshop Powerplant
Import products, where it is possible to buy pallets and boxes for production as an import goods.)
Products (113)
Apple applecanned aviationfuel bakery banana bananaliqueur barley barleyflour beer blackbean boards bread cabbage cake carrot cartonsvapa cauliflower cauliflower2 chaff cherry cherrycanned coco coconuwhiterum compost cookingOil corn2 cornflour cotton dryGrass_windrow emptypalletsvapa fatteningFood fertilizer Fischmehl_KK Fischman FischMKKK forage fruitsugar fuel gooseFood gooseliver goosemeat grass_windrow gratedcoco HMIL hops jam juice KaviarKK lettuce liquidFertilizer liquidManure maize manure meat melon melon2 milk millet mmcandy motoroil muffin oat oil onion orange orangesyrup osternei pakura peanut pigFood plum plumcanned potato pumpkin pumpkin2 rabbitFood rabbitmeat rape redCabbage rice ripebanana rye saladMix sausage seed silage sorghum soybean spelled stoffrolleMK straw sudangrass sugar sugarBeet sugarCane sunflower tomato tomato2 triticale water wheat wheatflour whisky wood wool woodChips, booze, coffeeBD, coffeeBeanBD, raspberrysvapa, redcurrantssvapa, strawberrysvapa, yogur t
INPUT-OUTPUT information can be found in the Information field INPUT-OUTPUT file (XLS format).
For more information, see the enclosed guide (Guide1).
Good game
Where do you make seed to put in the Orchards and Greenhouses ????????