John Deere 7530 Premium v1.1.0 FS17
Properties of mod:
Panel IC
The choice of engine power
Silenced cabin
Selection: Front hydraulics or front weights
Mod passenger
Buy twin wheels
Buy balancing weights
Opened the doors, rear window (IC)
Working light, turn signals, brake lights
Foldable Warning signs (IC)
The dust under the wheels
Tachometer and speedometer
Number Plates
Animated hydraulics
GearboxAddon (PowrQuad Plus)
More realistic
Real Exhaust Effects
Log is free of errors
Power: 190; 209; 230 PS/HP
Weight: 6622 kg
Daily Upkeep: 150€/day
price(basic): 120.000 €
Fueltank: 350 liter
Max speed: 40km/h ; 50km/h