Kuhn profiles Pack V 1.0 FS 17
I have used very much the Pack in LS15 and have now made it available for LS17. I have fixed the bugs known to me.
There are 2 versions of the Modpack.
Version 1 FS17_Kuhn_Profile_Pack_Standard.zip
This version can be the mixing trailer as zufor with grass, straw, silage but not filled with feed or mixed feed.
Version 2 FS17_Kuhn_Profile_Pack_Mischstation.zip
In this version, only feed and compound feed may be introduced. Ideal for someone who has a mixing station. There can be no grass, straw, silage are filled.
To make it easier to distinguish the two versions scored 2 beacons the mixing station version.
There are these two versions because it is not provided by the script forth to fill the mixer wagon with food.