All in one Forestry Direct Sales!
This is a multi use Logging platform that offers direct sales of Woodchips, Large logs, small logs and condoms.
This also uses the sawmill script to produce pallets after loading the bins with necessary materials.
Redesigning the beast platform into a mass forestry sales business. Lambo Tower also offers fuel and water
refill service for a fee.
When placed in GE:
All Triggers work, except Jenz 700 chipper. I recommend this to get all the features. Learn about the Editor. Youtube some videos and learn how to set up your ultimate farm.
When the Mod is used as a in-store place-able;
The Triggers for Water, fuel, wood chips, water log sales, sawmill do not work. But the Jenz 700 does chip your wood and provides you with direct sales.
I am in my learning phase and would love for someone to edit the mod and upload it. I am still adding more features to the it that will come out with future versions.