Hello everyone, here is the default Faming Simulator 17 Lemken Solitair 12 seeder with some upgrades, fertilizer added and now is multifuit.
Version 1.4
You can now plant Poplars and Sugar Cane.
Version 1.3
Fixed store picture to local file
Version 1.2
Fixed seed fruit types for both machines.
4000L Fertilizer
4000L Seed
Wheat, Barley, Canola, Soybeam, Corn, Sunflower, Potato, SugarBeet, Grass and Oilseed Radish, Poplars and Sugar Cane.
You can now use with New Holland T9 and Challenger MT900E tractors:
1) lemken12Seeder_Mod.zip as per description or
NOTE: THIS MOD HAS BEEN REMOVED 2) lemken12Seeder_Direct_Mod.zip Planting Direct version if you wish to use, this allows you to plant fields that have not been plowed or cultivated. NOTE: the AI will not recognize headlands it will always go to the edge of the field..
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