Manual Attaching V FS17
This mod enforces you to attach/detach tools and trailers manually.
A manual is available here.
Changelog v1.2.1:
– Fps drop
– Tool detach problems
Full detailed changelog:
Changelog Manual Attaching
+ new feature added
* feature changed
– old feature removed
~ deprecated feature
# bug fixed
! known issue
note without specific type
Version: v1.1
! Manure tanker(s) keeps turned on when detaching the implement
~ Global option to set vehicle to manual
+ Option to force attaching/detaching for vehicle input joint to manual or non manual (boolean: true/false)
+ Option to force attaching/detaching power take off for vehicle joint to manual or non manual (boolean: true/false)
+ Option to force attaching/detaching dynamic hoses for vehicle joint to manual or non manual (boolean: true/false)
# Event added for manually attaching/detaching the dynamic hoses (synchronization problems server sided)
There where synchronization problems server sided.. both actions are fetched through a function to prevent it from happening again
* Override handler updated
+ HydraulicCoupling override added to disable changing the lower state of the pickup when no hydraulic hoses are attached
Version: v1.2
– Overrides handler: movingPartsPto and HydraulicCoupling (override implemented in the updated dynamicHoses script)
~ MovingPartsPto support
+ DynamicMovingPto support
+ DependentAttacherJoints checks
+ New jointTypes from FS17
# Attach sounds on operating player (attach sounds changed in FS17)
# Multi child objects attaching problem fixed (it got never reported cause it’s pretty rare)
Version: v1.2.1
# Fps drop
# Tool detach problems (if you’re playing in an existing savegame the worst thing you need to do is resetting the implement or vehicle. This will reset the jointDesc that you might have ‘broke’ in the earlier stage of the savegame before you added MA. This isn’t really a bug from MA but just a combination of things I can predict and resolve on that matter.)
I have the Condor 15001 attached to MF 8700 and when I try to disconnect the implement it just tells me to lower to seeder, but to lower it the seeder has to unfold and when it does I still cannot disconnect the seeder. Any help would be appreciated.
same problem mate!