MaverickfarmV2seasons V 4.0 FS17
Update v4
you do not need a new savegame
Fixed the dirt area for the animals
fixed strawbarn did not accept the
woodchips on the train at the transporthub near the forest.
added liquidfertilizer to a sellpoint
added seedstorage BGA area
added on two area’s, seed, fertilizer, and fuel storages liquidfertilizer so you can fill up seeders and other equipment with your own production.
Fixed fillplane for millet
did allot to hopefully improve framedrop
added, fishproduction, caviarproduction, smokedfish production addedScripts
so you can plant
morePets addedSecond seedproduction
solved problem with courseplay blocking on the gates at the mainyard
solved wool spawning place
Mavericksfarm is a 4x flat map with 21 large fields and allot of nice flatroom for
All these nice placeable mods out there.
The map is made with the bigbud in mind, so it became a map for bigtoys.
5 additional fruits oat, rye, triticale, spelt, millet.
Plenty enough to do on this map.
There is enough grass on the map to cut so you can easely have enough to keep the animals alive during the winter (seasons)
Milk do not sell automaticly, so you will need the kotte universal pack to transport your milk.
Version 2 UPDATE
This is version 2 and the final version of Mavericksfarm Seasons ready
Unless there are some problems.
I have allot in the second version and improved some things.
– cut down the forestry area.
– removed the sawmill for boardpallets and placed 2 woodfactory’s in place.
-changed palletfactory’s and moved to forestry area
-changed BGA area (siloking under the ground for acces with tipper
-and changed biodiesel area
-removed the little greenhouses and created one big greenhouse that produce 8 different fruits
-removed pallets from greenhouse, compost is needed to produce instead.
-added manure, seeds and fertilizer to farmsilo’s
-removed all trees and renewed to work with the seasons mod
-tried to label everything for your comfort.
-the map has 2 placeable area’s made on the PDA
ADDED more to do i include to xml with all factory’s on it
PS: make sure you do not have other maps in your modfolder because of that.
This is my first map and my first steps in map modding, now i know how much work this is i respect all modders even more.
This map was created for you.
After a few weeks, I would like to have a good time.
there is a problem with the V4 map, with new factories, fields are not ‘set’ properly( no edges) and what is up with the map, never saving, after ” real date change” , once my real time changed to 12 am , i could no longer save game . and has now, “blocked” save area from any map being saved. please check. and update i LOVE this map and everything in it !!!!!!! (playing on Steam)