The map was created according to the real terrain, the village is in Ukraine, the map can not be changed without the consent of the author, please be respectful of the author’s work.
The map is based on a real territory. There are factories for the production of oil, fabric, digestate, seeds, fertilizers and fish caviar. There is a boiler room, a dryer, storage rooms for grain and straw, fish farming and so on. – On the fish farm, the trigger of maize is turned in the other direction, so that the direction of discharge is one way. – Fixed the texture of the barrel with oil (was without textures, white). – The demand for pallets in greenhouses and chipboard has been reduced (the chipboard capacity has been increased). – Increased the speed of production of pallets and boards in the sawmill. – Reduced fuel consumption on the composter. – Fixed water triggers on the greenhouses, now you can fill up any barrel – Most of the plants have removed the need for pallets. – At the meat processing plant, the need for soy is added. Added: – signs on the production of oil – the map now shows the point of storage of grain – added sounds of nature.