by FS19 mods · April 4, 2017

This my converted map from 13 and 15 to 17 I have the 17 town and train routes and made some of my own it has traffic in south of map That is were the 17 town is southwest of map. It has the small farms in 17 no sell points Storage areas is at the main farm and the 5 farm from 15. It has 5 transport hubs, 6 giants, trains. You should download one of the trains I posted. to replace the giants train folder. If you need to get more info on installing you can go UK web site and watch the video. (DeM train reskinned mod) It’s blue and yellow.
The stream has been removed and I replace the stream with swamp areas that have pine trees to harvest, there’s trees at the new hill that 2nd train runs up to I changed the transtation to a sell point. You have burch trees East side of map just after you cross the river on right side of last road east. O
This is the Missouri River Bottoms that I know. It has large fields the Missouri River. It has a lot to do from farming rising hogs, cows sheep and chickens. There is 5 farms each one is a little different. The main friend is in the middle of the map, and the livestock is there to. You don’t have (2 new forages, Forage sundangrass. and Forage sorghum, they are for making molasses and molasses meal for feed. They are 2 stations that you can make feed.) I will work on and add to map in future update. Trains, airplanes, helicopters and a airship, horse, dogs, cats, and eagles that on are on splines that aminates the map.
I don’t know if I covered everthing but part of the fun of a ever changing map.
I have remove the garment factory, added a spinnery across the railroad track and back of side of DeKalb. I added the C&H sugar factory where you sell sugarbeet and sugarcane.
I have added chopped straw. I have included the gate and FS17_Station_de_lavage_kaercherHDS815E_V4 it’s behind the barn at main farm.
I want to thank MikeLowery and slowpoke for there help. I’m lucky enough to post this map as AEM map. I have the Potato harverster and header.
Credits:grain bin pack by: ThompsonM06
covered grain station by: Scorpion210
watermod english by: chief86
pig mod english by: chief86 Marhu
wool pallet collector v1.3.1 by chief86 Marhu
all farm fenceing and world bound for maps is by: sandgroper
feedmill by: hermit23 from map USA_FARM
NI Modding Map Objects by rh
bale shredder by tomekss80
cattle sheds by Neurotek
livestock market by Neurotek
mud grooves by nilins14
cow shed by Sisu Polaris
cotton factory by devil revenge
blackeyePea peanut by jb3pc4sale
round bale feeder by ThatKid-96
sheep barn by john magne
Silo Meindl by trucker1245
cow currol by cacamania
tower silo, american dairy barn by Axel_of_Sweden
beef cows from Rinderzucht by FRANK CADILLAC re-skinned by jb3pc4sale
ball bearing mod v1.0 by Steffen30muc
beef cattle v1.0 by Ls-2013Modding, Timber131, Marhu
rustic pack of american barns by Feterlj
outdoor silos by MFG maser789
workshop misc. by JauchenPaule
huhnerstal by manu ya
sack of potatoes added by Jens002 english version by jb3pc4sale
workshop shed kit v1.0 beta by Livestyler Berty John Deere 6930 JauchenPaule Blacky_BPG KundS Modding
street signs by tom redone by jb3pc4sale
oil pumps by Germany Community Group@martinbigM500 Original by Giants
Pigs Slaughterhouse v 1.0 Javier007
shed v 1.0 by germany community group
mobil gas station orginal by script : LS-Landtechnik Alex2009 texture: jb3pc4sale
water station v3
simple tube by Ferguson Freund
cutting tool shielf v1.0 by Grüßchen bonzai_micha
foodStorage_V3.1 MapSiloBand by dajoun tunisia script by Marhu
Aral Tankanlage/double ammonia (fertilizer) tanks by Modell : DESCH texture by jb3pc4sale
Pioneer and dekaulb pallets textures by jb3pc4sale
gardencenter v4 by Ihr BauerBernd/SLP20131 some textures and some things added by jb3pc4sale
other seed pallets and fertilizers by SF_unpack_me by Wellano920
Danke an alle Modder white hogs
Autoren: Schwaki[112TEC
fenceing by: (C) All Rights Reserved - Sandgroper 3rd June, 2011 added barbwire, jb3pc4sale
American Hog and cattle barns by 812famer
Union Pacific 8774 by sixgun
chicken Mast, ViehMarkt marhu / RC-Devil
stadium by Vaszics v1.0
KFC Building v1 by copenhagen cowboy
Halls Pack by Kiler199630
jariland v1.1 by animax
sugar factory nordzucker v1.0 Draudžiama / kelti š / mod vl, net pakitusiu pavidalu!
Prašome naudoti originalus parsisiuntimo nuorod!
- Zabrania si WGra th mod jeszcze, w nawet zmienionej formie!
Prosz u | ywa oryginalnego link do pobrania!
- The zakázáno vkládat tento mod znovu, a to i ve zmnné form! Prosím použijte Povodni odkaz ke stažení!
consumption v1.0 by möchtegernbauer
Hallen Set v1.0.0 Modelle, Texturen, Ingame: Katsuo
Script: Xentro
BIO_Raffinerie Idea, Textures, Edit and all Changes: t2k-lsmodding(thoralf2002, PP); tech. Objects, Containers by Manuel (LS2011 BGA Baukasten2); fuelStation LS11:unbekannt; Silos LS11:unbekannt; Hedge LS11:unbekannt; Oeltanks:LS11unbekannt ; GTX Mods. Marhu and kevink98 for the Fabrik Script.
casedealership Brought to you by: CBJ Midwest Modding Modeling, Texture, and Ingame: Craig - CBJ Midwest Modding Model Concep: AB ModdingSteel Diffuse Texture: Karmarj FS17_DigitalPack
Futtermischer_pack_placeable Kastor
HoT_Seedfertilizer_placeable1_1 SanAndreas, Giants, kevin98, Marhu
Objets Arii Modell: arii Textur: arii Script: arii Idee / Konzept: arii Tester: arii Sonstige: arii
railroad_track_set Based on model and textures © 2016 GIANTS Software GmbH. Edited by estyx.
pigSilo, silo, Model: 1.0 Texture: Script: Idea / Concept: Testing: farmerads Other:
up_train cowboy
woodCutter Credits: Marhu/Kevink98/Kastor/Giants
Slow saw, and Slow Soymilk Production v1.0.2 Modell: slowtide63, Giants Textur: slowtide63, Giants Script: kevink98, LS15: Marhu Idee / Konzept: slowtide63 Tester: Team von ls-modcompany.de Sonstige:
Field gates galvanized V1.0.0.0 Dorset
Farm Bin system at MFA, Pioneer, and Farmers COOP,and the ones at Dekalb is by DocElyoc
FS17_Station_de_lavage_kaercherHDS815E_V4 by Blacksheep Modding
If I forgot anybody I'm sorry.
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