Missouri River Bottoms Final Revised v9.0 FS17
Seasons Ready, multiplayer tested:
I have added to this final update of map. Farm House is interactive. You can now park in garage and go into house and stay for awhile. I have finish
all the field areas and number them. I have changed the PDA map so it now shows all field areas in blue. You now can see the exact size of field
area you are buying. I have 6 farms you can purchase at different prices. The starting point is now at the bank in town and you have nothing but a
pickup and $11 million for normal. This way you can buy the farm and equipment you decide to use. I have added turkeys for produce only, no buying and selling
of turkeys. The trains are in map and the extra animals are in map. All this adds to size of map.
Storage Silos stores molassesMeal, allGrainFeed, dogFeed, distillersCorn, pigFood, silage, dryGrass_windrow, straw, forage, grass_windrow, chaff
degestate1, alfalfa, clover, strawPellets, hayPellets, and turkeyFood.
Animals: cow, pigs, sheep, chickens, Brahmas, ponies, goat, dogs, and turkeys(FabrikScript). I have horses, cows, dogs, sheep, chickens, snakes, cats, people, boats,
animations in map.
Crops: wheat, barley, rape, maize, sunflower, soybean, sugarCane, potato, sugarBeet, oat, rye, millet, onion, hops, lettuce, redCabbage, carrot, cotton, cabbage, sorghum, sudangrass, blackbean, peanut, corn2, alfalfa, clover, and rice.
In map: choppedStraw,,waterTroughAddon, GMKFC_Mod, multiAngleTerrain, Geo Midwest Season.
Fill types: compost, seeds2, cream, apple, cherry, orange, pear, plum, sunflowerOil, saladmix, cheese, hmilk, butter, coffeeBean, coffee, mavSilage,
mavSoybean, mavPotato, mavwoodChips, mavMilk, boards, emptypallet, stoffrolleMk, bread, beer, tomato, cauliflower, strawberry, rasberry, melon,
pumpkin, FischMk, FischMkkk, RaeucherFishKK, fishMeal, Caviar, icecream,fruitSalad, coleslaw, flour, sugar, eggsBD, vegetableOil, doughnut,
biscuit, meat, sausage, MAVredCabbage, MAVlettuce, frenchfries, clothes, washPotato, washedPeanut, steamPotato, potatoChip, distillerCorn,
molasses, molassesMeal, allGrainFeed, biogas, digestate1, lime, whiskey, dogFeed, turkeyliver, turkeymeat, and turkeyFood.
Mod included: FS_startPointSave works only for single player. The author said he has no plans for multiplayer. zzz_cropMowing, alfalfa and clover can be cut with mower.